Saturday, January 10, 2009

Now this is livin'

I have every intention of posting Caleb's "birth story" but since it's now been one month and I've been holding off on other posts so as to keep things in chronological order, I think I'll skip ahead a bit and post the story whenever I get to it.

Caleb has been a riot to have around and I enjoy him pretty much all of the time (minus when he wakes me up every hour in the middle of the night thinking he needs to eat). He has a great personality and is starting to become more alert and aware.

When he was two weeks old he decided he was done having an umbilical cord stump so he ripped it off while we were changing his clothes...seriously! He was really agitated and brought both arms down to his stump, initiated his vice grip and yanked both arms up abruptly. I was shocked and a bit disgusted since there was blood coming out of his belly button. Fortunately, it all healed within a week which meant we were free to try bath time.

Our first attempt was in the actual bath tub and Caleb wasn't such a fan of that. As you will see in this clip, David climbed in the tub to try and calm him down (don't worry, he's fully clothed), but even that wasn't enough to convince him that bath time is fun:

The next day I tried it in the bathroom sink instead and things went MUCH more smoothly. Here is our little man feeling pretty good about life. Note the strategic placement of the loin cloths in both video clips. Some day he'll thank me for that!

I also had to include this picture which David took right after an evening feeding. Nothing quite like some sound sleep after a nice drink of warm milk:) Now that's livin'!


nevadanista said...

So true! That is livin'! Wonderful!!!

Young Family said...

Priceless! Love the strategically placed milk drip :)

Krystal Trapnell said...

I tried bathing Damon in the big tub, but it always hurt my back bending over like that. Love the bathroom sink idea--too bad he will outgrow it so quickly! I found that the small plastic tub fit well over the kitchen sink and bathed KyKy in there for quite a while. I couldn't bring myself to bathe her IN the kitchen sink, even if I cleaned it first.

Caleb really is a beautiful baby and I don't think many babies are. Good work you two!

Nicole O said...

ADORABLE! What fun new adventures for the three of you

MariLouise said...

Jonathan was playing at my feet while I watched the video of Caleb screaming in the big tub, and he (J) got a really concerned look on his face and immediately came over to see which of his little buddies was in distress! He then sat very still on my lap and watched the video wide-eyed. He'll be coming out to Shreveport soon to check up on things and to personally oversee the next bath.

*NaTaLiE SaNdaLL* said...

Oh my GOODNESS! He is so adorable! It makes me want my little guy right NOW! Those videos are priceless, you'll be so glad you documented stuff like that cause you forget too easily.

Jen H said...

He is very adorable! Thanks for sharing the videos!!

Carol said...

What a sweet boy. It's so fun to see you and Caleb in live action. Fun, fun, fun. Congrats

MaikoSLP said...

Love those photos! Jenny, you are a mom!!!! Caleb is so lucky to have you.

Carol and Tyler said...

OH MAN! He is SO cute!!

Nellie said...

He is so yummy! Congrats, again! SO fun. I agree that kitchen sinks are a much easier place to bathe tiny ones. I used to have a little bathtub that fir right in to the sink, but that's long gone, so I'll need to find me another one of those! Enjoy!!!

Julianne said...

I love the milk mouth photo - life is so fun with kids!

Catie said...

Oh so sweet!! Little ones, clean and fed are the way I like 'em!

Kerri said...

We miss that little guy. Nice work figurin' it out!

Heather said...

Oh my goodness that boy is the cutest thing ever! I love the videos - you'll love to watch them as Caleb gets older. We are amazed when we watch video of Hoyt when he was that age, compared to now. Why do they grow so fast??

The milk picture pretty much sums things bliss!

Reno 411 said...

So cute. I love the newborn baby cries. The milk face is priceless too.

Kelly said...

He is precious!! Congratulations to both of you! Love ya!

Noel said...

HE IS SOOOOOO cute! I can't wait to meet him. Not that you need anymore tub advice, but this one is from Aunt Kaytee and Greg loved it. We used that yellow spongee thing too, but we put one of Ty's towels in the water one top of it, then laid him on it and wraped him in the wet (warm) towel. Then he stayed nice and warm and didn't feel all loose and free. He LOVED the bath and still does.