Friday, January 30, 2009

Super Powers

Looks peaceful, right?...WRONG!

Am I being ridiculous by suggesting that our beloved first-born son has super powers? His powers enable him to detect each time his mother's eyelids make contact for more than a nano-second (blinking duration) at which point he commences to announce his wakeful presence to the world.

I swear, he'll be in a deep sleep, I'll put him in his bed and then occupy myself with very productive household tasks (e.g. pumping while watching DIY Network or Oprah) for at least 15 minutes to make sure he's really asleep and then just when it seems like the coast is clear, I'll shut my eyes to rest and within seconds that oh-so-pleasant sound of baby crying fills the air. Here's to Joe Super Baby Cypress!

"Don't shoot, officer. I surrender!"

PS-Thanks for the awesome socks, Rosa:)


nevadanista said...

No, you're not ridiculous! About the only thing babies can have power over is their parent's sleep (especially moms), so they use the power to destroy sleep to its fullest potential possible. How else could my kids have known countless times the very moment my head hit the pillow - literally? They do have super powers!!!!! Don't doubt it...

Harlene said...

I agree, mine all seemed to have a sense of when I sat down...anywhere.
By the time I got to Geoffrey, #5, I just held him for a year, literally. I even let him nurse all night in my bed just so could get some sleep.

Remarkably, he learned to walk, talk, read, laugh, and run away from me regardless of everything I did against the book.

Noel said...

He's sooo cute! I love those jammie nightgowns..they're the best! I agree with the powers... even Tyson had them. A SAD part of motherhood. What do you do when there is another one? How can you possibly occupy two of them long enough to rest?? Bring on Dora, I guess.

Carol and Tyler said...

Despite the annoying super power, he sure is CUTE!!

Sheri Willardson said...

He he... I shouldn't laugh, but I have been there, and done that!! And its not fun, but its nice to know that someone else is going through it too. I promise it will pass quickly (I know everyone says that, but it really is true)! You make it sound funny with the way you write about it. Maybe he really does have super powers....

Kerri said...

Uh oh, have we had some regrogression? Good thing he's so darn cute :)

Anonymous said...

i think every baby is like that. But don't worry it gets better. I love "Joe Cypress's" hair. He is so cute.