Unfortunately, the weather hasn't exactly been worthy of celebration. Shreveport rarely gets snow, but this week was an exception to that. Here's the view we saw on Friday morning:
The consequences of no power from 2am to 10am: a freezing cold and VERY dark house, needing to crank our wind-up flashlight every 30 seconds to restore our sole light-source, having to warm Caleb's milk in a pot on the stove by positioning the wind-up flashlight precisely so I could actually see the stove top and then lighting the gas range with a match while attempting to keep my eyebrows and flesh intact. Mission accomplished!
As an update, here are a few of Caleb's likes and dislikes now that he's a big 1 year old:
*making this face and saying "ooooo" every time he finds something interesting
*Raiding the cereal cupboard when mommy's not watching and stuffing his face full of mini-wheats:
*Setting up camp in the laundry basket
*Climbing the ladder just like daddy
Thankfully, his LIKES far outweigh his DISLIKES.